Strategies for Sobriety

Strategies for Sobriety
Laufzeit: 50 Minuten
Size: 484.4 MB

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 27,22 € FMS - 30 Day License
 46,00 € FMS - 6 Month License
233,74 €    139,87 € Three (3) Year License


Dr. William M. Loving addresses chemical dependency as a chronic self-induced central nervous system disorder. Alcoholism and drug addiction are terms for a chronic disease that can be managed with the help of education and various therapies. Dr. Loving advocates and supports techniques that facilitate the patient's ability to use the 12 step model as a valuable tool to achieve sobriety. In his experience, this type of behavior education is essential for achieving and maintaining long-term sobriety.

Earn Continuing Education Credits on courses authored by Dr. Loving at WW.CEUMATRIX.COM.

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