James Beard - Sortierung: Bewertung (aufsteigend)

Anger: Creating New Choices Part I

Anger: Creating New Choices Part I

Part 1- A Closer Look: Does rage come "out of nowhere?" A Closer Look reveals that many things happen before we get angry: thoughts, beliefs and feelings all play a crucial role. Becoming aware of what happens before we get angry - discovering that we do have time to do something different - is a... Mehr

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Anger: Creating New Choices Part II-Catch It Early

Anger: Creating New Choices Part II-Catch It Early

Part II- Catch it Early: Jealousy and revenge are examples of feelings which can create pictures in our minds. These visual thoughts drive us to actions like "checking up" on the suspected person. Allowing these actions to continue feeds our anger, and can easily lead to aggression out of control... Mehr

Digitaler Inhalt Video SD
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Anger: Creating New Choices Part III-Practical Skills

Anger: Creating New Choices Part III-Practical Skills

Part III- Practical Skills: Aggression can become a habit; we can invite anger even when we don't intend it. Our habitual body language and manner of speaking can take us down an all-too-familiar path. Learning practical skills for "keeping things cool" - for being assertive instead of aggressive... Mehr

Digitaler Inhalt Video SD
Ab 45,10 € Auswählen
Anger: Creating New Choices Series

Anger: Creating New Choices Series

In this powerful program, ex-offenders and people in recovery look at the cost of anger and aggression in their own lives - and learn how to create new choices. They discover that destructive actions don't "just happen" in an instant: they grow out of a pattern of thoughts, beliefs and feelings. ... Mehr

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