Prescription Drug Addiction

Prescription Drug Addiction
Laufzeit: 32 Minuten
Size: 501.7 MB

Verfügbare Lizenzen

 46,00 € FMS - 30 Day License
 92,93 € FMS - 6 Month License
 210,27 € Three (3) Year License


The inappropriate use of any drug, including the non-medical use and abuse of pharmaceutical products, can lead to addiction and damaged health. Anyone who uses FDA-approved medications in a way other than directed or prescribed is engaging in a dangerous and potentially deadly form of substance abuse. Dr. David Ohlms outlines the behavioral signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse and addiction, including tolerance, withdrawal, and rebound. He also addresses common forms of prescription drug abuse, detailing cross drug dependency and the effects of tolerance and rebound. Finally, Ohlms discusses the pitfalls for people in recovery taking prescription and many over-the-counter medications, and offers prevention suggestions for people in recovery who face using mood altering prescription drugs in conjunction with surgery and other illness management.

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