Trauma To Triumph, Women's Journey

Trauma To Triumph, Women's Journey
Durée : 39 minutes
Size: 303.9 MB

Licences disponibles

 46,00 € FMS - 30 Day License
 186,80 € FMS - 6 Month License
 280,67 € Three (3) Year License


This is a story of a young girl surviving her mother's larger-than-life alcoholic lifestyle, and how she copes day to day until she can affect her own destiny as an adult.

 Liz is an adult child of alcoholic parents leading to a childhood of trauma and neglect. After her mother died of liver disease, and the loss of her own child. Liz contemplated suicide but was able to get help for her depression. Liz looked for way to change her pain into purpose. She started a group fro kids using the two things that saved her, mentors and horses.

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