Indecent Exposure: The Hijacked Brain's Quest for Wholeness Series

Indecent Exposure: The Hijacked Brain's Quest for Wholeness Series

Available Licenses

 £79.56 FMS - 30 Day License
 £159.94 FMS - 6 Month License
 £300.58 Three (3) Year License


"Introduction to Addiction and Affect Regulation"
Early life experiences and attachment problems set the stage for addictive and compulsive behavior. Affect regulation theory helps explain what causes our deep resistance to changing self-defeating behavior. How survival mechanisms continue to affect us and what can be done about them is discussed in this video lecture.

"Shame as the Core of Compulsive Behavior"
Research reveals the impact of shame and trauma on child development and adult function. This unprocessed fear and painbecomes the psychological and emotional core of addiction.How shame is acquired and affects our function is explained. What can be done to recognize and heal shame is discussed in this video lecture.

"The Neurobiology of Addiction" A decade of addiction research reveals the science behind the hijacking of the brain. How powerlessness occurs, what brain changes take place and how this affects behavior is explained. The process of brain recovery and repair is discussed to assist in more effective treatment and aftercare planning.

"Healthy vs.Normal Communication"
Our response to fear determines how we react in relationships. Fear’s effects on brain function is forcing changes in how we think about intimacy and conflict. Common misconceptions are contrasted with effective methods for managing emotions and self disclosure. A model of differentiated intimacy is explored.

This bundle contains the following products:

Indecent Exposure: Th Hijacked Brain's Quest for Wholeness Part 1  Indecent Exposure: Th Hijacked Brain's Quest for Wholeness Part 1 single price: £119.76
Indecent Exposure: The Hijacked Brain's Quest for Wholeness Part 2  Indecent Exposure: The Hijacked Brain's Quest for Wholeness Part 2 single price: £119.76
Indecent Exposure: The Hijacked Brain's Quest for Wholeness Part 3  Indecent Exposure: The Hijacked Brain's Quest for Wholeness Part 3 single price: £119.76
Indecent Exposure: The Hijacked Brain's Quest for Wholeness Part 4  Indecent Exposure: The Hijacked Brain's Quest for Wholeness Part 4 single price: £119.76

Total price:£479.04.You save 37.25%.

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