Challenging the Lifestyle

Challenging the Lifestyle
Run Time: 53 minutes
Size: 642.2 MB

Available Licenses

 ¥7,575.00 FMS - 30 Day License
 ¥15,304.00 FMS - 6 Month License
 ¥40,037.00 Three (3) Year License


With a group of residents at Crossroads Adult Correctional Center in Chicago, Illinois, Michael Johnson challenges the group to take a serious look at their alcohol, drug, and criminal lifestyle. He explains that when you look at the lifestyle associated with alcohol, drugs, and criminal activity, you have to ask yourself: "What is the payoff?" After listing the payoffs for the lifestyle, he discusses feelings of isolation, loneliness, experiencing a sense of failure, and being an embarassment to family. He challenges the viewer to look at the reality and truth about who they really are. During this fast-paced video, Johnson addresses the fact that during therapy, you are out of your element and can often feel confused - mainly because therapy has taken away everything and everybody you enjoyed. In therapy, your value system is in conflict with the changes you are trying to make in your life. This can cause feelings of grief, loneliness, and despair, and at times you may ask yourself: "Can I really do this?" Throughout this video, Michael challenges the lifestyle of alcohol, drugs, and criminal activity and provides the viewer with strategies for successful re-entry back into the community.

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