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Domestic Violence & Substance Abuse: From Victims to Survivors

Domestic Violence & Substance Abuse: From Victims to Survivors

Five real men and women tell about the abusive relationships they were in and how it made them feel about themselves. In each case, drugs and alcohol played a role. Each go into detail on how working the steps empowered them and gave them the strength to leave the relationship and become a surviv... More

Digital content Video SD
From £38.63 Select
Domestic Violence & Substance Abuse: The Abusers

Domestic Violence & Substance Abuse: The Abusers

Four former abusers, men and women, tell their stories of substance abuse and how it lead to violence. What they learned about themselves during recovery changed their thinking and resulted in sobriety. They learned how to be better husbands, wives, brothers and fathers and how to get their lives... More

Digital content Video SD
From £38.63 Select
Double Trouble Part 1

Double Trouble Part 1

Two powerful videos about dual disorders, "Double Trouble" I & II, examine the complicated relationship between chemical dependency and mental illness. The two-part program addresses the most common psychiatric disorders found in combination with chemical abuse. Recovery issues and positive c... More

Digital content Video SD
From £38.63 Select
Double Trouble Part 2

Double Trouble Part 2

Two powerful videos about dual disorders, "Double Trouble" I & II, examine the complicated relationship between chemical dependency and mental illness. The two-part program addresses the most common psychiatric disorders found in combination with chemical abuse. Recovery issues and positive c... More

Digital content Video SD
From £38.63 Select
Drunk Driving Victims:  The Angela Barber Story

Drunk Driving Victims: The Angela Barber Story

Dramatization of the case of Angela Barber, a Southern Oregon State College graduate injured in an accident caused by a repeat drunk driving offender. Covers legal and criminal aspects of drunk driving, and effects on victims, families, and emergency response professionals.

Digital content Video SD
From £38.63 Select
DUI Driving Under the Influence

DUI Driving Under the Influence

In a series of compelling interviews with DUI offenders, we learn the skills needed for driving and how those are impaired after using drugs an alcohol. The consequences of getting a DUI, both financial and emotional, are discussed.

Digital content Video SD
From £38.63 Select
Dysfunctional Families

Dysfunctional Families

With a group of female inmates, Dwight Bradford discusses dysfunctional behaviors and the impact of addiction on families. He explores how children often believe they are the cause of most family problems and details the survival roles of children in dysfunctional families assume: Family Hero, Fa... More

Digital content Video SD
From £22.86 Select
Ecstasy And Club Drugs

Ecstasy And Club Drugs

Dr. David Ohlms discusses the short and long-term effects of using Ecstasy. Ohlms also outlines the differences between Ecstasy and other club drugs such as GHB, Ketamine, and Rohypnol (which became famous as the "date rape drug").

Digital content Video SD
From £22.86 Select
Evolution of Madness

Evolution of Madness

This two-part training video is designed for the therapeutic staff working with today's addicted population. The dynamics surrounding today's addict are different from those of twenty years ago. Michael Johnson provides helpful strategies for counselors.

Digital content Video SD
From £22.86 Select
Facing Fears in Recovery

Facing Fears in Recovery

This film is a discussion with 7 recovering people and family members in recovery. They discuss the fears associated with being new to AA meetings, finding a Higher Power, intimacy, health issues, what other people think of you, doing a 4th and 5th step, making amends, and criminal charges. Great... More

Digital content Video SD
From £38.63 Select
Fear... The Anger Trigger Series

Fear... The Anger Trigger Series

Details Disc 1  I Think, Therefore I Act. When we are confronted, often we feel threatened, disrespected, rebellious, vindictive, scared or defensive. Our actions are framed by our thoughts. If we have these thoughts, they have the potential to harm others physically, emotionally, and finan... More

Digital content
£787.57 Select
Fear...The Anger Trigger Disc 1

Fear...The Anger Trigger Disc 1

I Think, Therefore I Act. When we are confronted, often we feel threatened, disrespected, rebellious, vindictive, scared or defensive. Our actions are framed by our thoughts. If we have these thoughts, they have the potential to harm others physically, emotionally, and financially. Change the Tho... More

Digital content Video SD
£314.56 Select
Fear...The Anger Trigger Disc 2

Fear...The Anger Trigger Disc 2

Fear is an Ally. If I am aware of what the fear is, the fear becomes my ally. Instead of acting on the fear, I recognize it, and that leads to a change in thinking. Cost of Anger. When we write down what the cost of anger is, we see that the price is too high. This is a first step toward change. ... More

Digital content Video SD
£314.56 Select
Fear...The Anger Trigger Disc 3

Fear...The Anger Trigger Disc 3

Expectations I. When unrealistic expectations are not met, remember, F-E-A-R: False Expectations Appearing Real Expectations II. Seeing life as it is can help us do the best we can and avoid fear, anger, and irritation. Reversing the Fear/Anger Spiral. Change is possible. If we work toward not re... More

Digital content Video SD
£314.56 Select
From Prison to Paradise, R.E.A.D. to Succeed

From Prison to Paradise, R.E.A.D. to Succeed

After release from 15 years in prison, Rodney White became a college graduate, successful motivational speaker, facilitator, radio host, and award winning sales person. In this inspiring and motivational DVD, he will explain how he used his R.E.A.D. to Succeed motivational program to create a suc... More

Digital content Video SD
From £38.63 Select
Getting Out of The Game: The Trap of Drug Dealing

Getting Out of The Game: The Trap of Drug Dealing

A group of ex-dealers grapple with real life issues:   * Financial Stress   * Relationships with old friends   * The illusion of dealing without using   * The false belief that this time they won't get caught The participants also share the thoughts, tools and techn... More

Digital content Video SD
From £22.86 Select